
November was Self Care Month at Row New York. Through workshops, games, and open discussions, staff and student-athletes investigated the importance of healthy relationships, loving oneself, living with self awareness, and how to handle stress. Darise JeanBaptiste, Row New York Director of Academics & College Readiness, shares her experience as a self care month facilitator below.

I figured students might feel funny about closing their eyes, breathing deeply, and mentally scanning their bodies for any normal, exceptional, or icky feelings. There were giggles at first, but gradually silence and deep breath filled the rooms of our Academic Centers.

During Self Care Month we took a few moments to check in with ourselves by using a technique called body scanning. It’s a method used during meditation. Some students said the body scan made them feel sleepy, others said they felt tingles whenever I called out a particular part of the body. They learned that they could listen to and potentially hear what their body was telling them. Sore muscles? Need to stretch? Hungry? Dehydrated?

The idea of listening to oneself lived at the center of November’s theme. We started the month with a staff workshop in which meditation instructor Arpan Deangelo guided us through the benefits of meditation along with two techniques to use in our potential daily practice. Arpan instructed us to breathe in peace and breathe out light. Those steps may be incredibly abstract to some, however, the simple act of active breathing is a concept that resonated among Row New York staff. Whether we run, row, or practice yoga, I think we all agree that breathing helps us get a bit closer to a point of bliss.

It’s hard to talk about bliss without acknowledging the opposite emotion, stress. Our students experience it, our staff experience it, and that’s partly why we devoted an entire month to talk about ways to tap into those mental and physical areas that may bear a heavier burden than we currently know how to manage. One way to relieve that burden is by being your own best friend. We discussed how to embody this through supporting, encouraging, communicating, and congratulating ourselves and others. The answers were honest and revealing and taught us that we sometimes need to be our own cheerleaders in moments of doubt, stress, or failure.

Why self care is important: reflections from the Queens middle schoolers

“…because even though the mind controls the body, you still have to take care of your body so your mind has something to control.” – Laura

“…because it helps you with your emotions and gives you more confidence and courage to do things you want to do.” – Stacey

“…because it helps in motivation to achieve more in life.” – Paola 

“because it is important to make time for everything such as school, practice, and for yourself especially.” – Karyll

How to practice self care:

“I have a sleepover with my friend when I get overwhelmed and I know I need to care for myself.” – Neoma

Favorite takeaway:

“My favorite thing that I learned about self-care is that I can make other people’s day by giving compliments.” – Titilola

In honor of Self Care Month, remember to take deep breaths from time to time. Tell yourself how beautiful you are. Have more sleepovers. Give more compliments.

Thank you to all the middle school PREP athletes from Manhattan and Queens who shared their insights on self care!

Taking a moment for upward dog during the Manhattan middle school self care workshop.


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